My first backpacking trip to Europe started in Barcelona. I was beyond excited and had seen so many beautiful pictures of the city! However, I was extremely disappointed by the time I left a few days later. Here is my honest opinion of the city, and why I will not visit Barcelona again.

A Dog Sh*t Slip n’ Slide

Walking around, determined to love the city that so many others had told me about, I slid across the sidewalk. My boots had suddenly become so slick, that I could barely stand. I figured I had stepped in some oil from a car or a spilled beer.


The bottom of my boots were completely covered in dog feces. So much so, that the sidewalk had suddenly become a smelly slip n’ slide. I had to grip the side of a building to keep my balance and scrape the bottoms of my shoes in order to even walk without falling flat on my face.


I brushed off the event, thinking it was one bad dog owner who didn’t pick up after their dog. However, I was dismayed to discover that the sidewalks all over the city were littered with dog droppings, including around outdoor seating for restaurants and tapas bars. It was, quite honestly, like navigating a minefield. While I know every big city has this problem to an extent, I have never experienced it to this level. 


I expected people in Europe to smoke more than people do in America. What I didn’t expect was to have smoke blown directly in my face by people from every direction. As a person with asthma and a mild cigarette smoke allergy, it was incredibly uncomfortable to even breathe while attempting to appreciate the views of the city. No other city in Europe, or any other country, I have visited since was nearly as bad.


Partying in Barcelona

Barcelona is a big party city…or so I was told. I’m not a huge drinker or partier, but I went out a few nights to embrace that part of the culture. However, I was disappointed with most of the bars I went to. When I did find a bar I enjoyed, there were no food spots open late enough to soak up any alcohol I decided to drink. I began to feel very sick, very fast.

When I finally decided to head back to the hostel, the metro lines and busses were no longer running at only around midnight. I didn’t see any cabs, and there were no Ubers available in the area. I walked the 5 miles or so back to my hostel in the dark. For such a party city, their transportation was extremely lacking, putting me in the uncomfortable situation of walking in the dark after I had been drinking. Luckily, I was with a few other people, so I was not alone. This dangerous situation is a major reason why I will not visit Barcelona again, especially alone.

I Didn’t Hate ALL of Barcelona

Although Barcelona was a huge disappointment for me overall, I did love a few things about the city. As a fan of Antoni Gaudí, seeing his architectural work in person was incredible. Visiting the Picasso museum and a neighboring Flamenco performance were also excellent. The people I met at the hostel were wonderful, and I loved visiting the Boquería Market. And, of course, I loved eating my fill of tapas for lunch every day around the city.

Maybe I visited Barcelona at a bad time. Maybe my trip to the city was dripping in negativity due to the terrible people I decided to travel with. Whatever the reason, Barcelona quickly became one of my least favorite destinations in the world, and I think it is wildly overrated.


Am I wrong? Should I give Barcelona another shot? Let me know what you thought of the city.


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Why I think Barcelona, Spain is a wildly overrated city, and why I will not be visiting again anytime soon! Dog poop, cigarettes, no transit, oh my!
Why I think Barcelona, Spain is a wildly overrated city, and why I will not be visiting again anytime soon! Dog poop, cigarettes, no transit, oh my!