During my month-long backpacking trip to Ecuador, I had the opportunity to do veterinary work at a wildlife rehabilitation center in the Amazon jungle. Pretty cool right? Volunteering with wildlife in the Amazon jungle remains one of the coolest things I have ever done! Here’s my experience, and how you can make a difference.
Where I Volunteered
Although my two-week internship took me to other locations, the majority of my time was spent at amaZOOnico, a wildlife rehabilitation center in the Amazon. This incredible center rescues injured, ill, displaced, or illegally traded animals that belong in the wild. There, they rehabilitate and release those that are able to survive on their own. Individual animals that cannot be released call amaZOOnico their new home for life (no euthanasia for healthy animals!).
About AmiZOOnico
AmaZOOnico is located just outside of Tena, Ecuador. In order to get there, you need to take a canoe down the river (yes really!).

The rescue center is open for visitors 365 days a year where you can get a tour of the wildlife that calls amaZOOnico their home (releasable animals are distanced from humans as much as possible). Tour guides will educate you on the animal trafficking problem in South America, and especially in Ecuador. Every dollar you spend on the tour, donations, and at the gift shop goes directly to animal conservation and veterinary care at the facility!
AmaZOOnico has been rescuing Amazonian wildlife since 1993 and has successfully released 1500 of the 3500 animals that have been brought to them. They are one of the biggest wildlife rehabilitation centers in Ecuador! I was extremely impressed by the knowledge, dedication, and resourcefulness of the full-time staff I met while working there.

Working with the Wildlife
While volunteering, I helped with a huge number of tasks. Animals need to be fed, enclosures cleaned, and veterinary care provided. I helped with all of it!

My favorite memories working at amaZOOnico are definitely of the animals themselves. It’s not very often you get a hungry, friendly tapir following you around like a puppy, or give endangered tortoises a medical exam!
How to Visit AmaZOOnico
If you’d like to volunteer or visit amaZOOnico, their website has directions for the bus and canoe services you will need to arrive from either Tena or Misahualli. You can reach either of these cities by bus from Quito. They welcome anyone to visit, and have specific volunteer programs for conservation biologists, wildlife veterinarians, and those who just love animals! I volunteered through LOOP Abroad and did some other veterinary work in the surrounding area as well. If you dream of volunteering with wildlife in the Amazon jungle, I highly recommend you check them out!
What you’ll need during your visit:
- Rubber boots or old sneakers (there is A LOT of mud)
- Waterproof jacket (it’s the RAINforest for a reason!)
- Camera (I love this small point and shoot, and GoPros!)
- Mosquito repellent (I prefer these wipes instead of sprays)
- Cash for donations and the awesome gift shop
Final Thoughts on Volunteering with Wildlife in the Amazon Jungle
While amaZOOnico does a fantastic job maintaining ethical veterinary and husbandry procedures, they receive very little from the government for their work. They rely almost entirely on donations, visitors, and volunteers. AmaZOOnico is one of the most ethical animal sanctuaries I have ever visited, and I highly encourage you to visit or volunteer!
Would you live in the jungle to volunteer with wildlife? Let me know!
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