I have been a travel blogger for a few months at this point, and it has completely changed my life. The ability to share my thoughts and feelings about amazing locations with some of the most supportive group of people has changed me for the better. The blogging community is so helpful and supportive, and I am forever grateful to them, as well as my friends and family for supporting me in this large lifestyle change.

Quiet Girl Loud World, a blogger whom I have gotten to know through social media and her blog, has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I am forever thankful to her, and encourage you to check out her work!

Sunshine Blogger Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who has nominated you, and link back to their original post.
  2. Answer the 11 questions they have asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions.
  4. Have fun!

What is your blog about?

My blog is a travel blog, specifically aimed at my passion for animals and adventure. As a veterinary assistant and adrenaline junkie, I have some interesting adventures!

If you could live anywhere in the world without worrying about language barriers or personal safety, where would it be?

As of right now, Chiang Mai, Thailand is my favorite place I have visited. I can definitely see myself living there for awhile. South Africa is a top location on my list to visit, and I dream about living there solely based on other bloggers’ stories and pictures!

What do you love about blogging and why?

Blogging has become a huge stress reliever for me, giving me something to focus on and express myself in a positive way. I also love all the friends I have made solely through blogging!

What is your favorite book in any genre?

My favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald. The eloquence of Fitzgerald’s writing and the relatable tragic story brings me back to the novel over and over again.

If you could go to any concert by a musician or band who is dead or alive, who would it be?

Probably Michael Jackson. That man could put on a show!

How do you stay motivated?

By planning trips that spark my passion and excitement for writing!

If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?

Plans change. Roll with it. When I was younger, I was dead set on going to veterinary school, graduating, and begin practicing medicine before the age of 30. I never thought I would be working from home, traveling constantly, writing, and teaching for a living! I still plan on going to veterinary school in the future. Younger Stacia, it’s ok to change your plans if your current path is burning you out or making you unhappy!

You are hosting a dinner party and can invite three people from anywhere in the world. Who would those people be?

If I am allowed to choose people who have passed away, I would choose Steve Irwin, Anthony Bourdain, and Robin Williams. These three men are my heroes.

If I am only allowed to choose people who are still alive, I would choose Weird Al, Josh Gad, and Tom Hanks. I think it would make for some interesting conversation (and music!)

What distracts you from work the most?

Laziness. More specifically: Netflix and video games. And naps.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Ambitious, adventurous, and clumsy!

If you have a job aside from blogging, what is it?

I recently left my full time position as a veterinary technician in order to work from home and travel more. However, I am an ESL teacher with VIPKID full time from home as well as a travel blogger. When I am not traveling, I also petsit and pick up relief shifts as a veterinary technician for extra cash.


Questions for my nominees

  1. What is your favorite post you’ve written and why?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
  4. What is your blog about, and why did you choose that topic?
  5. What is one unpopular opinion that you have?
  6. Who has been your biggest hero in your life?
  7. What is your least favorite thing about blogging?
  8. What was the best meal you’ve ever had?
  9. What is your favorite movie?
  10. What is your Hogwarts House? (yes really!)
  11. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?


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