My newfound love of solo travel was a pure accident. I set off on a grand backpacking trip with two of my best friends through Spain and Portugal. However, things quickly turned sour, and I saved my trip by taking off on my own.
Ultimate Freedom
I quickly discovered that while traveling solo, I had the ultimate freedom to truly do whatever I wanted with my trip. I canceled all of the pre-made plans I had with the two girls and thought about what I wanted to do. After some reflection, I realized I did not want a true plan! I wanted to travel slow, and move on to another city when the timing felt right, or whenever I found a cheap way to get to the next. I discovered some of my new favorite cities in the world that I would not have seen if I had stuck with the travel companions that I started with.

All the Food!
Getting to eat what I wanted, where I wanted, and when I wanted was one of my favorite things about traveling solo. My coffee was thoroughly enjoyed in the mornings while I studied a city map or people watched. No one complained if I wanted to enjoy smelly seafood lunches and late-night vending machine dinners. I could nurse a nice cocktail or find a group of new friends at whatever hostel I was staying in that night if I wanted to go out for cheap liquor. I bought and ate snacks at my own leisure, and never had to share!

Budgeting was Easier
Being alone helped me really stick to a budget while traveling. I allotted myself about $50 a day, and there was no one there to judge me for eating cheap dinner from a vending machine if I had decided to splurge on an excellent lunch or expensive experience. I did not waste money on food and activities that I didn’t want, and I stayed in the cheapest hostel rooms available because I didn’t mind the snoring. When I may have spent $75, $100, or even more on some days with others, I was able to stick to a budget to fit my own needs without having to consider others in the process.
I Gained Some Serious Self Confidence
Being able to depend on myself, and trust my instincts was a skill that grew tremendously while I was alone. I was navigating multiple large cities, airports, train stations, and metro lines on my own. I had to communicate with others for help that sometimes did not speak English. My navigational skills, communication skills, and time management skills drastically improved. I made mistakes and learned to fix them instead of falling apart or relying on someone else to fix them for me. I even learned to eat alone in a restaurant, and not feel embarrassed when asking for a table for one. That may seem like a minor accomplishment, but it can be nerve-wracking!

I Made Lasting Friendships
As a solo traveler, it is so easy to make friends, especially while staying in friendly hostels. For example, while in Lisbon, I ended up at a table of all solo travelers during a group meal in the hostel. Three of the people I met at that table became great friends of mine over the next few days, and we still keep in touch. While alone, travelers are much more likely to open up and start a conversation with someone new compared to when they are with people they already know. Groups are typically not as likely to branch out and meet new people on the road. Because of this trip, I now have places to stay if I ever wanted to visit Rio, Finland, and Australia, and those wonderful friends are always welcome to visit me in the US.

The beginning of my backpacking trip was truly a disaster. My travel companions that I started with quickly turned their backs on me and made me completely miserable. We went our separate ways, and it was quite honestly one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I can proudly say that I am now a solo traveler, and I am looking forward to my next big adventure!
I would encourage all travelers to consider traveling solo at some point in their lives. It can be scary, but the positive impact on your life will make it completely worth it.
Have you ever traveled solo? Let me know!
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I am so glad that your solo travel experience went so well! I found that I actually like eating by myself and wandering aimlessly at my own pace. It sucks that you had to part ways with your friends, but it seems like it turned into a better experience for you in the long run. Keep on traveling solo! I hope that we meet each other out in the world some day before too long!
Absolutely! I would be honored to travel with (near? In close proximity to?) you!
Nice to see you Starcia keep going
Thank you!