This has been a huge week for me! I have been nominated for 2 blogger awards, and I am getting my very first media kit together for a tourism board. Baby Stumble Safari is growing up!

I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Quiet Girl Loud World, an amazing fellow blogger who has shown me great support and has produced a stunning travel blog of her own. I encourage you to check her out. Thank you so much Keri!


  1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award
  2. Include a link to their blog
  3. Select and nominate 15 bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  4. Tell 7 things about yourself

Seven Things About Me

  1. I am a pescatarian (no red meat or poultry) due to an allergy inflicted by a Lone Star tick bite. It’s a real thing!
  2. My favorite animal is the hedgehog. I have had 2 African Pygmy hedgehogs: Primrose and Draco. I loved them to pieces.
  3. Every pet I have (and was able to name) have been named after literary characters! Primrose, Draco, Mowgli, Luna, and Daisy all come from some of my favorite books…guess which ones! My lovely elderly rescued bunny is named Chapman (or Chappy) after the Orange is the New Black character. I didn’t name her, and the plot was technically a book before it was a Netflix series…
  4. My dream job is a traveling veterinarian, with a specialty for exotic animals. It’s a real job! I met and worked with one while doing a veterinary internship in Thailand with elephants!
  5. I am absolutely terrified of clowns.
  6. My favorite book and movie are both classics: The Great Gatsby (book) and Singin’ in the Rain (movie).
  7. I have a very rare genetic disorder called Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, or elastic skin syndrome. It causes me to have overly flexible joints, stretchy, thin, easily bruised skin, and joint pain. It has caused me to have constant joint dislocations doing every day activities (I’ve dislocated my hips just by walking!). For instance: in 2017 I broke 5 bones, simply because my joints bent in a way they shouldn’t (and I’m incredibly clumsy).

My Nominations

Grey Matter Leaks

The Royal Tour


Travel Couple’s Blog

Let’s Grow There

Street Art Magic

Art, Practice, &

Travel for Wildlife

Just One Way Ticket

Fake and Basic

The Queen of Adventure

Optimistic Existentialist 

My Snapshot Traveler

See Nic Wander
