I’ve previously discussed teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) with companies such as VIPKID, GoGoKid, and Cambly. However, I have added another online teaching platform to my schedule, and have started teaching with Outschool!
Outschool is an online learning community that teaches more than just English. You can find classes about anything from D&D character creation, creative writing, dancing, and computer programming! Teaching with Outschool allows you to teach what you are truly passionate about, and allows students to take classes they are interested in.
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How Much Can you Earn Teaching with Outschool?
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I teach with Outschool VERY part-time; only 3 to 5 hours a week. However, I make over $90 an hour with some of my popular classes! Here’s how it works:
Outschool gives teachers the complete freedom to teach any subject they are passionate about. You can set your own class rates, sizes, and rules. Once your class is published, parents and learners can choose to sign up for your classes!
For example, my most popular class is called Rabbit Club: Caring for and Showing Our Pet Rabbits. In this class, I have chosen to allow up to 9 students, ages 7 to 12, and charge $12 per hour-long class. With this class fully booked with 9 members, I earn $108 for that hour!
Outschool takes 30% of your earnings for each class. They use these earnings to keep the website running, pay their tech support, and advertise your classes so you don’t have to. My take-home pay for each class is about $75.60. I teach two fully booked Rabbit Clubs per week. Not bad!
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Qualifications for Teaching with Outschool
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Unlike VIPKID and GoGoKid, Outschool does NOT require a Bachelor’s degree. However, you must be a resident of the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand to become a teacher, even though you may have students from all over the world.
*Tip: I have read that if your current location while applying is not in one of these countries, you will not be accepted despite being a legal resident. I applied while in the USA, so I did not have any problems. A VPN may solve this issue.
Outschool does perform a fairly extensive criminal background check on all of its teachers. This background check is free but may take a few days to complete. Once you pass your background check you are ready to start teaching with Outschool!
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My Personal Experience Teaching with Outschool
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My bunny Chappy and I dressed up for our Halloween party in Rabbit Club!
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My weekly club meetings are, quite honestly, the highlights of my week. I have grown close relationships with the students who have been coming to my rabbit and cat clubs every week. We bond with our pets, create fun toys and treats, and occasionally have holiday and birthday parties!
I took a two-week break while visiting my family, and when I returned my students said “I thought I was going to DIE without Rabbit Club!” I have also had parents send me messages telling me that, due to COVID, my clubs are the best social interaction their students get every week and they absolutely love it!
My heart melts for my students, and we have a lot of fun together!
How to Become an Outschool Teacher
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To become an Outschool teacher, you must fill out a basic application and film a short interview video.
In both the application and the video, focus on just a few things you would love to teach, and why you would be great at them. It’s tempting to list every single class idea you have all at once, but Outschool is looking for teachers who excel in what they plan to teach. You can always add extra classes once you are accepted.
Film your video in the location where you will teach your class. Teaching piano? Film at your piano! Teaching a foreign language? Show off your knowledge in the video! For me, I focussed on my extensive animal care and veterinary science knowledge. In my application and video, I discussed my degree in Biopsychology and Animal Behavior, my veterinary medicine experience, and my passion for teaching excellent animal husbandry. Once I was accepted, I was still able to list classes outside of these subjects.
It is not uncommon to have to apply more than once. Outschool looks for excellent applicants. Just look over your feedback, and try again!
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Outschool has become a great source of joy in my life and has given me a good deal of extra money every month. Many teachers with other online schools and platforms are switching to Outschool as they can earn more, choose better hours, and plan classes based on their skillset and passions.
If you need help with your application process, I am glad to help! Feel free to contact me once you’ve started your application process, and I will help you create the best application and interview video to get you started.
Happy Teaching!
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I had never heard of this company before, great article! Thanks for sharing:)
You’re so welcome! Outschool has been an awesome and fun source of income for me