Let’s be honest: long flights suck, especially in coach. Little legroom, expensive snacks, and coughing passengers can make a flight especially miserable. However, I have learned a few tricks to survive a long-haul flight and make it just a little more bearable.
Invest in Good Headphones
Nearly everyone uses headphones or earbuds on a flight. Whether you enjoy listening to music, watching movies, or simply trying to keep other noises out, a good pair of headphones is a must. I highly suggest investing in a good pair of over-ear headphones. They block sound much better than earbuds, which is a must with the noise always present on an airplane. The sound quality is going to be better with headphones compared to earbuds as well, and the high altitude will not affect the speakers as much.
I use Beats headphones while traveling. The headphones are super comfortable, and they help block unwanted sounds on the plane. However, if noise cancellation is a must for you, you may want to invest in something even more high quality, such as Bose noise cancellation headphones. Even when not playing music or video, noise cancellation headphones will help block out noise and let you relax and sleep on your flight.
Note: If you bring wireless headphones, make sure you have the cord available to be able to watch movies on flights!
Dress Comfortably and Warmly
This may be a no-brainer for anyone who has been on a flight before. However, it always catches even me off guard how cold an airplane can be! Bring warm socks in your personal bag, and make sure to have a sweater or blanket for the trip. It will make you much more comfortable! Compression socks can help with ankle, feet, or leg swelling and discomfort during long flights as well.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Airplanes are dry. Extremely dry. Bring some lotion or moisturizer for your hands, lips, and face on the flight. Drink plenty of water, and try to avoid sodas, alcohol, and caffeine before and during the flight. It will help prevent dry skin, illness, and even jet lag! To keep from using plastic, bring a refillable water bottle on the flight, and ask the attendant to refill it for you when they offer you a beverage.
Download Entertainment BEFORE the Flight
In case the wifi doesn’t work on the flight (eek!), download music and movies on your phone prior to the flight. Apps such as Netflix and Spotify will allow you to download entertainment to your phone, so you can watch or listen without wifi in the future. This is especially handy if you are flying on a budget airline, where TVs and wifi are often either not available, or not complimentary on the flight. You do NOT want to be stuck in a situation where you have no entertainment for a 10+ hour flight! Distracting yourself by binging the latest TV series or listening to your favorite album is the best way to survive a long-haul flight.
Don’t Check a Bag
If you can avoid it, try to pack carry-on only. You will be much less anxious knowing all of your belongings are with you on the plane, and not having to rush to baggage claim is a huge relief. However, some international flights offer free checked bags. Always triple check before choosing the size of your bag!

Bring Hand Sanitizer and/or Disinfectant
Planes are super dirty, germy, and crowded. There always seems to be at least one person coughing all over everyone, and you never know how well those backseat trays were cleaned before you boarded. Do yourself a favor, and bring hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes on the plane and keep your hands and eating area clean and germ-free. You very well may keep yourself from catching that post-flight cold!

Long flights can be a pain, but these tips help keep me as comfortable and sane as possible on the flight.
Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments!
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Good tips! I notoriously forget to download music and shows on my phone before flights. Dressing in layers is a must! I am always freezing on planes. The only thing I would add is to bring along some good reading material! My Kindle is always by my side.
Very true. The only reason I didn’t add reading material, is because it’s something people usually remember (if they read)