I am pleased to announce that Stumble Safari has been nominated for this year’s Liebster Award! Thanks so much to The Turquoise Traveler for the nomination!
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award was created in 2011 by The Global Aussie in order to encourage awareness of new bloggers, and for new bloggers to create connections and gain support within the blogging community.

The award works by the nominator creating engaging and unique questions for their nominees to answer. Then, they must nominate 3 new blogs to answer their questions and create new questions of their own. The nominees must then link back to the Liebster Award Rules page, and answer their questions by December 25. The Global Aussie will actually read all of the questions and answers of every single nominee, and choose a winner for the Liebster Award by the end of the year!
My Nominator
My nominator, Chelsea from the Turquoise Traveler, is a girl after my own heart. I discovered her blog when I came across an article on why she walked away from her potential medical career to travel. Her experience was immensely similar to my own, and I immediately connected with her. We got in touch shortly after I read that article, and have been blogging companions ever since! Check out her incredible article here. The rest of her articles show her adventurous spirit as she camps, hikes, and travels solo.

Q&A with Stumble Safari
If you could pick one magical concept from Harry Potter that could exist in real life, what would it be?
As much as I would love for magical creatures to be real (dragons, hippogriffs, phoenixes), I would have to choose apparition. The idea that I could disappear and reappear anywhere I can pictures would be so convenient. Goodbye plane tickets!
Would you rather give up your smartphone for the rest of your life, or have it surgically implanted into your forearm?
Quite honestly, I’d rather have it implanted. How millennial of me. My smartphone is just so essential to my blogging and teaching jobs, that I’d be completely lost without it. Also, quite literally lost, as I depend so much on Google Maps. Even better, if it were implanted in my arm, I’d never lose, break, or have to charge my smartphone again.
What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes about travel or adventure?
“If you’re 22, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and cook and eat. Learn from them – wherever you go.” – Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain is one of the many people that inspired me to travel. To really travel and experience a culture instead of simply spending way too much on an all-inclusive resort that does not contain any culture whatsoever. I would rather sleep on a dirt floor and be able to see incredible things and meet interesting people!
Tell me about your most memorable “whoopsie daisy” moments from your travels.
One of my first articles ever written was about how I got food poisoning in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I made the HUGE mistake of eating at a McDonald’s (I was really craving some salty food; Thai food is very sweet!) and I got some of the WORST food poisoning of my life. I had to pay to use a toilet, and pay extra for toilet paper! Check out the full article here! NEVER eat at an American chain restaurant abroad!
What famous actor/actress would play you in the movie about your life?
Anna Kendrick, for sure. She’s hilarious, beautiful, adventurous, and extremely talented. I would love to be portrayed by her! (And maybe make my life movie a musical).
What is your spirit animal and why?
Well, my FAVORITE animal is a hedgehog, but as they are very timid, I’d like to picture myself as a phoenix. A powerful bird that is born out of its own ashes; a phoenix is the epitome of growth and beauty. I have faced a lot of struggles throughout my life, and seem to attract accidents and trouble. However, with each incident, I come out stronger, wiser, and better than before!
Write a haiku about your favorite experience in nature.
Mama black bear near
Her baby climbing a tree
Oh please don’t eat me
This is about the time I was hiking through the Smoky Mountain National Park, and saw a baby black bear scurrying down a tree. I heard mama bear nearby, but couldn’t see her anywhere! I wrote the full, terrifying, wonderful story on My Snapshot Traveler. Check it out!
My Nominees
Keri – Quiet Girl Loud World

Keri and I have become good friends via Twitter because of our shared love of animals, books, and of course, travel! She writes from the perspective of an introverted traveler, and her experiences in various destinations. Her love of animals, nature, and literature shine through her quiet demeanor. Check out her blog here!
Nic – See Nic Wander

Nic helped me out LOADS by introducing me to my current job: teaching English to Chinese students with VIPKID. Her blog is beautifully written, with helpful articles on teaching and house sitting abroad. Her blog is slightly older than my other nominees, but so helpful and well written that I couldn’t help but nominate her! Check out her blog here.
Author Anonymous – Hermione’s Secret Library

As a fellow Potterhead, Jenna’s blog and incredible Instagram feed give me so much joy! Her blog, and Instagram, are devoted to Harry Potter travel and book reviews. Check out her incredible work here! She also creates stellar art, like the image pictured above. Edit: The illustrations are created by Jenna Paddey, a friend of the author from Hermione’s Secret Library. The author of this incredible blog keeps her identity a secret, much like Hermione’s Library! This makes her work that much more intriguing, as she never shows her face in her stellar photos.
My Questions
If you could pick one real-life filming location for a fictional land to visit, what would it be? (ex: any Game of Thrones locations in Spain, Morocco, Iceland…, Lord of the Rings in New Zealand, Harry Potter in England and Scotland, etc.)
What has been your favorite cultural experience while traveling?
Where has been your LEAST favorite destination and why?
If you could pick one Pokemon as a travel companion, who would it be?
If you could pick one book to describe your travel style, what would it be and why?
What song is your go-to on your travel playlist?
Describe the best meal you’ve had on the road. Where and when did you eat it, and what was it?
Who is one person, real or fictional, that inspired you to travel?
What travel movie would you like to live out?
To my nominees, remember to submit your response by December 25, link back to The Global Aussie’s Liebster Award rules, and post your link on the page here to be entered to win the award!
Thanks so much to The Global Aussie for the creation and hard work behind the wonderful Liebster award!

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